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Georgian Documentary receives EU Special Prize

The film, jointly created by journalists from Tbilisi and Sukhumi, is called “Never been asked, never are”.  It tells about the youth born after the Abkhaz-Georgian conflict of the early 90s, about those who are commonly called the “post-conflict generation”.

The protagonists are young Abkhazians and Georgians, six different stories, united by a common theme of post-conflict problems and challenges. The characters of the film do not talk about politics and do not give assessments of the war, but talk about how the conflict has affected their lives, how it has influenced their views, what they had to lose, and what, on the contrary, they managed to acquire, and what problems are created today. This is a film about people who did not start the war and are not responsible for those who fought, but who may be able to bring the conflict settlement closer.

The authors of the film, which won the EU Journalism Prize 2021, were awarded the Prize by the head of the EU Monitoring Mission Marek Schigel the other day in Tbilisi.

The film can be viewed here:

May 8, 2022  |  Thema: , , , , , ,  |  0 comment »  |  recommend article


On 12-13 of February in Armenia took place a forum “Citizens for Peace” with participants from Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia. The coordinator of the forum was Rasim Mirzayev with the support of the “German cultural and scientific association EuroKaukAsia” and “Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Auswärtiges Amt)”.


Apr 18, 2022  |    |  0 comment »  |  recommend article

Help for Georgi Vanyan

On December 3, 2010
a Council of Public Protection
of Georgi Vanyan was established

The goal of the Council is to carry out and coordinate human rights activities and civil actions.

To become a member of the Council and to participate in its works, please contact:

Please join the collection of signatures for the Declaration of support by filling out the personal contact information field (name, last name, occupation, country).

The Initiative group: Luiza Poghosyan, Irakli Chikhladze, Seymour Baijan, Irina Avetian.

Related link: Azerbaijanian film festival in Armenia


We protest against continuous illegal actions aimed at blocking Georgi Vanian’s public activities.

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, we declare that we will use all the possible mechanisms and will take all the possible steps to ensure his protection. 06.12.2010

Public activist Georgi Vanyan

is the chairman of the Caucasus Center of Peace-Making Initiatives (CCPMI) NGO.
At the end of November, 2010 a large scale campaign was launched by press and all TV stations of Armenia as well as many public and political figures with a purpose to discredit Vanyan’s work.

The campaign has been disseminating false information, which is further used as a basis for different interpretations and evaluations of his alleged „activities and position.“

The main goal is to create an image of a corrupt person working for „the enemy’s intelligence service.“

In addition to this, the hidden pressure aimed at blocking Vanian’s activities intensifies further.

This occurs through blackmailing and intimidating citizens of Armenia on behalf of some influential institutions, which in its turn leads to termination of renting contracts of premises aimed for CCPMI public events. Georgi Vanyan and his family have been receiving death threats.

The goal of the Council is to carry out and coordinate human rights activities and civil actions.

To become a member of the Council and to participate in its works, please contact:

Please join the collection of signatures for the Declaration of support by filling out the personal contact information field (name, last name, occupation, country).

The Initiative group: Luiza Poghosyan, Irakli Chikhladze, Seymour Baijan, Irina Avetian.

Dec 6, 2010  |    |  0 comment »  |  recommend article

EuroCaucAsia: english articles

Here will be placed all articles written in english.

Nov 9, 2010  |  Thema: , ,  |  Comments Off recommend article
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